With over 18 years of experience, I know how to find the right loan for each and every customer. What's even better? I can give you advice - for free. So if you're in a loan you can no longer afford, or you're worried about getting your first home loan, just give me a call and let me tell you a little bit about your options. No obligations - just good information.
Worried about your current loan?
It's all over the news that thousands of people are finding themselves unable to afford their home loans and facing foreclosure. There's no doubt that when an ARM loan adjusts you could be paying more. But sometimes you could also be paying less. Give me a call and let me walk you through the facts - and your options - BEFORE your loan adjusts. Chances are, there's a way to fix any problems before they even start.Always work with an experienced mortgage professional
With the current mortgage crisis, we heard a lot about "fly by night" mortgage brokers who had little training and no experience before they started selling their customers loans they didn't understand, and couldn't afford. No matter WHO you use for your mortgage, please make sure they have experience and knowledge to help you find the right loan for YOU.
True mortgage professionals have access to a wide variety of loan programs and can find the right one for you. Don't be fooled, and never be afraid to ask questions. It's your money and your future - be smart about it.