LLPA stands for Loan Level Pricing Adjustment. An LLPA is an additional fee on top of any points and closing costs paid for a mortgage based upon the Loan to Value Ratio (LTV) and the borrowers’ credit score. So, the higher the LTV and lower the credit score the more you will have to pay for a mortgage. This can take the form of additional points and/or higher rates. LLPAs are risk-based adjustments to the cost of a mortgage (e.g. rates and points).
Effective with loan locked on or after January 18, 2011, loan level price adjustments (LLPAs) will change as outlined below. This is in response to recent Fannie Mae changes.
Changes have been made to:
• LLPAs by Credit Score/LTV
• LLPAs for Subordinate Financing
• LLPAs remain the same for DU Refi Plus

For the first time, the LLPAs for some LTV/Credit score combinations are actually lower. This is in response to higher quality loans being delivered to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Government Sponsored Entities (GSEs) that own most conforming mortgages in the country.
For information on LLPAs for programs or property types not listed here, please contact me at or 708-473-7688.
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