Monday, June 16, 2008

"Marketopoly" gives needed information and advice to real estate investors

Hidden across the United States, scattered among hundreds of cities, are real estate markets that are still quietly appreciating and investment properties that are still consistently producing thousands of dollars of annual income for their owners.

Contrary to the headlines and the "experts," there is no "national" real estate market. From the condo high-rises in Miami to the McMansions in the sleepy suburbs of Minneapolis, all real estate is local. There are hundreds of real estate markets, and each of these markets has opportunities concealed within them.

Marketopoly reveals not only how to quickly and accurately identify these unseen investment opportunities and have them unfold before you, but also how to capitalize on them.

Marketopoly has the information that real estate investors need in times of change. Investment real estate will never look the same.

In a nut shell, the book details how to quantify local market conditions and trends as well as investment properties for buying and holding real estate. It is a common sense yet all too uncommon approach to predictable and profitable real estate investing.

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